The support I get from my CSA program goes directly to the production of more art and stories, and members get a VIP ticket/front row seat/backstage pass to the whole show! From behind-the-scenes updates to advance copies of finished books, there are a plethora of rewards. Here are what members can look forward to:
Fellow Explorer & Antellonian Rewards
These rewards go out to all members, no matter which tier you choose.
Welcome package
Every new member gets a nifty little welcome package on joining. This includes access to the Secret Page on and an e-book collection of short fantasies—with pictures!
Weekly Members-Only Posts (with commenting privileges!)
On Saturdays and Sundays I share exclusive content with members via my personal website’s blog. These posts are password protected and have comments enabled. Members receive a notification email for new posts with a link and the password, and can leave comments if they wish (no account needed). Posts are a mix of bonus features, such as…
The Sparks Gallery

My sketchbook and visual journal. This is where 99% of my stories begin as “sparks” of ideas sketched out in the little corners of time between one project and another. It’s also where I explore design concepts, flesh out characters, record events around me, and plan for the future.
Updates on Saturdays, interchangeable with WIP and Behind-the-Scenes content.
WIP Posts

For every big drawing or painting there’s hundreds of steps and techniques involved. Work In Progress Posts detail the creation from the earliest thumbnail to the finished piece, providing a candid look (with commentary!) at my artistic process.
Updates on Saturdays, interchangeable with Sparks Gallery and Behind-the-Scenes content.

It’s like the Director’s Commentary! I share progress reports on things like typesetting, book publishing, and audio production. I also post event debriefs, where you can get a behind-the-scenes (table?) look at what doing business as an independent artist-writer is like.
Updates on Saturdays, interchangeable with WIP and Sparks Gallery content.
Valdelluna updates

Every Sunday I post an update to my Valdelluna project. Valdelluna is a combination web-comic, cartoon series, children’s book—and more!—all set in the magical misty world of Valdelluna. Updates are a mix of WIP posts, cartoons, and finished pages.
Monthly Exclusive Stories
Every month members receive a digital-format story, usually delivered via URL in an email. They come in one of two forms…
Early Process Short Stories

The freshest writing you’ll ever read! These are a first look at Goldeen’s stories, meaning members get to see them months (even years) before anyone else.
Raw Audio Specials

The base recording for future audiobooks! Members get a chance to listen in on the latest audio performances—before they’ve had all the little cat noises edited out.
NEW releases – electronic format!
All CSA members receive advance reader copies of every new title Heliopause publishes while their membership is current—as an e-book. No need to wait until the title clears the online distributors—members get it delivered via email right to their inbox! New titles come out one or two times per 24 months, depending on the complexity of the work and what other projects are also going on.
All CSA members will also automatically receive the digital files for any new audiobook published while their membership is current! Audiobooks take a long time, so these will be very sporadic—but well worth the wait!
Antellonian-only Rewards
The following rewards are exclusively for Antellonian tier CSA members.
NEW releases – in paper format!
Exclusively for Antellonian-level members, the CSA provides physical copies of new work produced while their membership is current. These items are mailed to the address provided on sign-up, and shipping is no extra charge. Items can include:
Prints, stickers and merchandise

Prints of new art—or updated prints of existing art—samples of stickers, greeting cards, and merchandise such as keychain charms will all go out to current Antellonian members upon release. This usually happens two or three times per year.
Paperback Books

Just like with e-books—but in physical paperback format! Antellonian members will receive a paperback copy of every new book Goldeen publishes while their pledge is current. These can take up to two years to produce—so it truly is a long game.
Annual Holiday Card
Antellonians also receive an annual (nondenominational) holiday card around the New Year. These cards feature art and an inspirational message. A small but heartfelt token of thanks for consistent support provided by CSA members.
Ready to join?
Fill out the form below, or read more details about your membership options here.